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ENGL 90 vs ENGL 1A

The chart below is designed to help you understand the major differences between English 90 and English 1A and make a decision about which course is right for you. If you still have questions about which course to take after viewing this information, you should contact a counselor to seek additional advice.  

ENGL 90: Accelerated Developmental Writing ENGL 1A+80: Freshman Composition Co-Requisite
Reading Requirements

At least one full-length book (fiction or non-fiction), plus a variety of additional readings at intermediate to advanced college level.

 Course develops academic reading skills, in-depth analysis of texts, comprehension, and complex critical reading strategies.

One or more full-length books (fiction or non-fiction). Academic reading with in-depth analysis and complex concepts. 

Writing Requirements

Students write 7-8 essays of 3-4 pages (may include research component).

 Focus on critical thinking skills, essay structure, simple to complex thesis development, and integration of quotations.

5-7 essays of 3-5 pages based on analysis of assigned texts and response to ideas in the texts, plus at least one research paper of 7-10 pages.

 Essays have complex thesis, advanced organizational techniques, and use quotation and documentation..

Student Performance Expectations

Five-unit course. Five hours of classroom time a week. Students should spend at least 10 hours of course work per week outside of class.

 The course is designed to prepare students for the rigors and demands of English 1A by teaching them to write clear, simple essays and engage with complex and demanding texts. Course also focused on college-success strategies.

 Students will be eligible for ENGL 1A in one semester.

The rigor, difficulty, and performance expectations are identical to Freshman Composition courses taught at private colleges or state universities.

Students should spend at least 10 hours of course work per week outside of class.

ENGL 90: Example Assignments ENGL 1A: Example Assignments

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