ENGL 68 vs ENGL 90
The chart below is designed to help you understand the major differences between English 68 and English 90 and make a decision about which course is right for you. If you still have questions about which course to take after viewing this information, you should contact a counselor to seek additional advice.
ENGL 68: Preparation for College Writing | ENGL 90: Accelerated Developmental Writing |
Reading Requirements | |
Analysis of readings at the intermediate college level (may include full-length book). Course develops intermediate reading techniques, comprehension, critical thinking skills, and vocabulary. |
At least one full-length book (fiction or non-fiction), plus a variety of additional readings at intermediate to advanced college level. Course develops academic reading skills, in-depth analysis of texts, comprehension, and complex critical reading strategies. |
Writing Requirements | |
Students write 4-6 essays from 2-4 pages. Focus on grammar, paragraph construction, outlining, simple thesis creation, and integration of quotations. |
Students write 7-8 essays of 3-4 pages (may include research component). Focus on critical thinking skills, essay structure, simple to complex thesis development, and integration of quotations. |
Student Performance Expectations | |
Four-unit course. Four hours of classroom time a week. Students should spend at least 8 hours of course work per week outside of class. The course is designed to give students basic reading and writing skills so that they will be prepared to write simple, clear essays, which will enable them to perform successfully in English 1A. Students will be eligible for ENGL 1A in one semester. |
Five-unit course. Five hours of classroom time a week. Students should spend at least
10 hours of course work per week outside of class. The course is designed to prepare students for the rigors and demands of English 1A
by teaching them to write clear, simple essays and engage with complex and demanding
texts. Course also focused on college-success strategies. Students will be eligible for ENGL 1A in one semester. |
ENGL 68: Example Assignments | ENGL 90: Example Assignments |