
Counseling Services

We offer short-term professional, confidential and free counseling for Mt. SAC employees, including bilingual counseling, to address both work and personal issues. We also offer workshops and consultations.

Some information about the scope of services of the Employee Counseling Center:

  • Services are offered to all Mt. SAC employees only.
  • Medication Evaluation– we do not have a psychiatrist on staff – but can help with referrals.
  • We provide community and on-campus referrals and information.
  • We provide educational presentations, departmental and team workshops.

What to Expect When Accessing Services

We commend you for taking the steps to access counseling at Mt. SAC's Employee Counseling Center (ECC)! It's a unique journey for each individual. Here is an overall summary of the process when taking the first step to see an ECC Clinician:

  1. Call, email or use the ECC website to connect with the ECC Administrative Assistant who will help schedule an in-person or virtual appointment. Any preliminary questions or concerns can be addressed during your contact with the ECC.
  2. Prior to your appointment, you will receive an email with important documents to review and sign.
  3. Once you have scheduled an appointment-
    1. In-person: Meet your Clinician in the ECC office in Bldg. 7 | Rm. 1107 (map)
    2. Via Zoom: You will receive an email with the Zoom login information
  4. Initial and follow-up sessions are 60 minutes in duration.
  5. Using a Short-Term model,  you and your Clinician will work and agree on targeted goals, next steps including a recommended follow-up appointment and information, resources, and referrals if applicable. 

Remember that we are here to support you! Mental health counseling is voluntary. You have the option to schedule a follow-up appointment at your discretion. For additional questions please call or email us. 

Need Help?

View this list for access to police, crisis hotlines and more. For on-campus hotlines and more.

If you are experiencing suicidal or homicidal thoughts, please go to the nearest emergency room or call 911.
Suicide Hotline call 988 or 1-800-273-8255


For on-campus emergencies, call Mt. SAC Police & Campus Safety at (909) 274-4555 or text (909) 610-9139


You can contact the Employee Counseling Center if you have any questions about our program or need to make an appointment

Monday-Thursday 8am-6pm & closed Friday's during the 2024 Summer Session
(909) 274-6211

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