Diverse college students on campus

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion,
Social Justice, Anti-Racism, and Anti Other Isms (DEISAA+) Council


The purpose of the Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Social Justice, and Anti-Racism (DEISA+) Council is to review recommendations and to collaborate and coordinate College initiatives, research, and activities related to DEISA+, including racial justice issues, improving equity in student success rates for marginalized students, increasing equity in the hiring and training of employees, and developing and supporting the College’s commitment towards social and racial justice commitment.  The College’s DEISA+ work is inclusive of all protected groups:  ethnic group identification, race, color, national origin, religion, age, gender, gender identity, gender expression, genetic information, disability ancestry, sexual orientation, marital status, military and veteran status, and medical condition.


  1. Review College reports, data, surveys, and other evidence related to DEISA+.
  2. Review, develop, and forward recommendations to President’s Advisory Council related to the work of campus groups within their respected scope on diversity, equity, inclusion, social justice, and anti-racism in student success, hiring, and policy development and critical interventions.
  3. Integrate campus initiatives into a comprehensive DEISA+ effort and message.
  4. Organize and collaborate recommendations to assure a common understanding of data elements and research methodology and other campus-wide research on DEISA+, such as campus climate surveys.
  5. Receive recommendations related to DEISA+ from committees, task forces, work groups, and departments to accomplish assigned functions.
  6. Participate in articulating DEISA+ and accessibility into College strategic planning, PIE, outcomes measurement, professional development, support services, and human resources.
  7. Assist in gathering resource information for a website repository of College and community efforts related to DEISA+, DEISA+-focused data and reports, and available DEISA+ resources to support instruction, support services, and human resources.
  8. Provide quarterly updates to President’s Advisory Council about the work of the Council and the College’s DEISA+ efforts, accomplishments, needs, and goals.
  9. Provide an annual report on the College’s DEISA+ efforts and progress to reaching DEISA+ goals.
  10. Review state and national policy initiatives related to DEISA+ and make recommendations for a coordinated response to those initiatives to appropriate groups.