
Project Types

Following are general descriptions of the types of facility improvement projects overseen by Facilities Planning and Management.

  • Repair: The goal of a repair project is to correct operational deficiencies in existing facilities or equipment.
    Example:  Repair an electrical outlet that is not working.
  • Alteration: This type of project meets the needs of the campus community for additions or modification of equipment or facilities at the room level.
    Example:  Add  electrical  outlets  and  data  ports  to  support  five new student computer workstations in Building 23E, Room 1.
  • Scheduled Maintenance: Scheduled maintenance projects modify, upgrade, or replace building and infrastructure components or systems that have reached  the end of their useful life.
    Example:  Replace the air conditioning units at Building 33.
  • Minor Capital: Minor capital projects are similar to alteration projects but are larger in scope and require formal DSA plan check and/or inspections. A remodel of several rooms or a portion of an occupied building would generally be considered a minor capital project.
    Example: Reconstruct Room 3 in Building 21 from a classroom into six faculty offices.
  • Infrastructure Improvement: Infrastructure improvement projects are necessary to increase the capacity of access, life safety, and utility systems to support growth or the addition of a new facility.
    Example:  Construct  a  new  access  ramp  for  the  Print    Services  after-hour entrance.
  • Energy: Energy projects seek to improve existing systems to create energy cost savings over time.
    Example:  Install new fume hood controls at Building 60 to reduce run time and  air exchange volume.
  • Health and Safety: A health and safety project is required to mitigate a potentially serious threat to the health and safety of the campus community.
    Example: Install new cross walk signage at the intersection of Mt. SAC Way and Student Lot D entrance.
  • Emergency/Immediate Needs: At times, certain work becomes immediately necessary for various reasons.
    Example:  Replace carpet in Building 17, Room 5 damaged by flooding.
  • Major Capital:  Major capital projects are those identified in the Facilities Master  Plan, such as new buildings, the major modernization of an entire facility, or the significant expansion of an existing facility.
    Example:  Construct a new Food Service building and demolish Building 8.