Assessment Questionnaire
To help ensure students take the right English, reading, and math courses, students must complete the college's online Assessment Questionnaire (AQ) for course placement in English, Reading, and Math. Most students will immediately receive placement results based on their answers on the Assessment Questionnaire. The questions on the AQ pertain to your high school GPA, and the English and math courses taken in high school, and grades in those courses.
Students who have attended the majority of their schooling in another country, whose first language is other than English, and who have not completed 3 years of high school English in the United States or have not received a high school diploma or equivalent in the U.S. may be recommended to enroll in courses designed to assist them in learning English. The American Language (AMLA) Department provides non-native English-speaking students with the language skills to succeed in their academic endeavors.
We recommend you refer to your high school transcript to answer the questions accurately.
You can only take the Assessment Questionnaire once.
Students who completed the AQ last year beginning April 2, 2018 through April 29,
2019, are strongly advised to take the revised AQ beginning May 7, 2019 and onward.
Taking the revised AQ may result in more accurate placement into transfer-level math,
English, and reading courses.
Continuing Mt. SAC students who have previously completed the English Placement Test
and/or the Math Placement Test in the Assessment Center, and have not yet completed
their required levels of English or math courses for the Associate Degree or transfer,
may also take the AQ.
How to take the Assessment Questionnaire (AQ)
- Click on the button below, "Take the Assessment Questionnaire".
- Log in with your Mt. SAC username and password.
- Answer the questions to the Assessment Questionnaire. It is recommended that you have your high school transcript when completing the AQ. For instructions on how to obtain your high school transcript, click here.
- Check your responses for accuracy (Responses to the Assessment Questionnaire will be randomly verified using official transcripts).
- Submit your responses at the end of the Assessment Questionnaire by clicking on the "Submit"
Please go to or call (909) 274-4265 to make an appointment for assistance with completing the Assessment Questionnaire. If you prefer to walk-in, please go to the Assessment Center in the Student Services Center, 9B (lower level). Please bring your high school transcript (either official or unofficial) to answer the questions. View the contact page for Assessment Center office hours.
International F-1 Visa students can get assistance from the International Students Office.
If you submitted your responses but made an error, you'll need to work with a counselor in the Counseling Department to correct your error. You must bring your high school transcript when meeting with your counselor. You can only take the Assessment Questionnaire once.
If you have questions about your placement or need help in choosing the right class for you, please make an appointment to see a counselor.
International F-1 Visa students can get assistance from the International Students Office.
In the Steps to Apply and Enroll, you usually get assessed after you have applied to Mt. SAC and applied to receive financial aid.
After completing the AQ, you will receive your course placement for English, reading, and math. Your next step is orientation. You may complete orientation online at A portion of the orientation will provide information regarding how to register for classes.