
2015 Mid-Cycle Report

As part of the six-year cycle of ACS WASC accreditation, Continuing Education prepared a Mid-Cycle Report on its progress since the 2012 ASC WASC Self-Study. The report includes significant developments that have occurred over the last three years, progress made on critical areas for follow-up, and procedures used for implementation and monitoring of the Continuing Education Action Plan.

The Mid-Cycle Report was approved by the Board of Trustees at its January 2015 meeting and submitted to the WASC ACS Visiting Team. The Visiting Team used this report as the basis for its visit in March 2015. During the visit, the team reviewed the progress Continuing Education made in responding to the three critical areas for follow-up which were identified in 2012. At the end of the one-day visit, Continuing Education received a public report of the team's findings.  On April 1st, 2015 Continuing Education recieved confirmation that the WASC ACS accreditation is reaffirmed through June 2018.