Principle Investigator &
Project Lead for Title V: Lisa Rodriguez, Ph.D.
Dr. Rodriguez has implemented four Developing Hispanic Serving Institution (DHSI) Title V Grant Project in higher education in her 31 year career. Prior to this grant, Creating an Equity-Minded Campus Culture to Improve Student Outcomes, she directed the "Building Pathways to Persistence and Retention" Title V at Mt. SAC which ran from October 2013 to October 2019. Her funds management to date for DHSI's totals $7.5 million since 2008. During Dr. Rodriguez' implementation of the grants, she has collaborated with and/or supervised upwards of 50 faculty, 30 staff, and 200 student workers and project specialists on grants cumulatively. Prior to Mt. SAC, she co-authored and implemented two Developing Hispanic Institution grants: "The Graduate Success Center" as part of a larger PPOHA grant for graduate students at a University in Southern California in support in first generation, career, and academic coaching from 2011 - 2013 and prior to that, coordinated the instructional technology for undergraduate Business students and their faculty from 2008 to 2011.
Dr. Rodriguez has a decade in the college classroom, beginning with her favorite campus
- Mt. SAC - in 2001 teaching Study Techniques (pictured here) and writing fundamentals.
Over a decade (2001-2010), she taught more than 120 baccalaureate and community college
course sections including Advanced Composition and Critical Thinking, Freshman Composition,
Study Techniques, Computer Applications for K-12 Educators (Liberal Studies), and
Introduction to Research Writing for Marriage and Family Therapy Graduate Program.
She has 19 years of management experience in higher education at both the Community College and University levels, respectively. Dr. Rodriguez is the mother of a fierce son, Eric, who graduated from Mt. SAC in Psychology in 2018, and is currently a graduate student in Philosophy at Cal State Los Angeles, and a granddaughter, Emily, who is majoring in toddler things. She also serves as Acting Director for under Human Resources providing professional development opportunities for the 4,500 employees at Mt. SAC.
- Diversity, Equity, Inclusion Bio (PDF)
- Professional Presentations (PDF)
- Resume (PDF)