
Psychology Department 

Photo of psychology faculty on the stairs outside of Building 26

The philosophy of the Department of Psychology is consistent with the college mission of welcoming and supporting all students in achieving their personal, educational, and career goals in an environment of academic excellence. The department is dedicated to promoting a science-based understanding of human behavior, and fostering positive, proactive choices and actions that increase students' options for both personal and academic success.

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Psychology is the scientific study of the interactions between the individual and their physical and social environment.  Mt. San Antonio College offers an assortment of psychology courses through regular credit and distance education class offerings.



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Psychology Academy

Psychology Academy is now accepting applications! If you've taken 5 or more psychology classes you are eligible. Please apply by April 25, 2025 using this form.



Our Professors

  • Picture of Chara Powell

    Chara Powell
    Department Chair

Psychology Department

8:30 A.M. - 5:00 P.M.
Building 26B-2551C
(909) 274-4442 or 4322
Chara Powell