Mt. SAC Important Message

Mt SAC Alert: Campus remains open and accessible. Due to high winds, some branches and trees have fallen. If traveling to the college or on campus, please stay alert, exercise caution and report any safety concerns to Campus Safety at 909-274-4555.

Aviation, Electronics and Manufacturing Programs at Mt. SAC

Aviation, Electronics and Manufacturing Programs at Mt. SAC

Aviation, Electronics and Manufacturing Programs at Mt. SAC
Plant and Animal Programs at Mt. SAC

Plant and Animal Programs

Plant and Animal Programs at Mt. SAC
Science, Technology, Engineering and Math Programs at Mt. SAC

Science, Technology, Engineering and Math Programs

Science, Technology, Engineering and Math Programs at Mt. SAC
Art and Design Programs  at Mt. SAC

Art and Design Programs

Art and Design Programs at Mt. SAC
Humanities and Social Sciences Programs at Mt. SAC

Humanities and Social Sciences Programs

Humanities and Social Sciences Programs at Mt. SAC
Health and Wellness Programs at Mt. SAC

Health and Wellness Programs

Health and Wellness Programs at Mt. SAC
Public Service and Social Science Programs at Mt. SAC

Public Service and Social Science Programs

Public Service and Social Science Programs at Mt. SAC
Teaching and Education Programs at Mt. SAC

Teaching and Education Programs

Teaching and Education Programs at Mt. SAC

Engineering, Emphasis: Mechanical Engineering Applications AS (S0838)

Program: S0838
Looking for guidance? A counselor can help.This Guided Pathways for Success (GPS) is a suggested sequence of coursework needed for program completion. It is not an official educational plan. Schedule an appointment with a counselor or advisor as soon as possible to create an individualized Mountie Academic Plan (MAP) specific to your goals and needs.
Suggested Sequence of CourseworkIndicates Courses Offered Online
Fall Semester (Year 1)
Course Prefix Title Units
ENGL 1A Freshman Composition 4.0
ENGR 1 Intro to Engineering 2.0
MATH 180 Calculus I 4.0
CHEM 50 General Chemistry I 5.0
CHEM 55 (or) Chemistry for Engineers
Total:   15.0
CHEM 50/55 requires CHEM 40 or placement. MATH 180 or appropriate math based on AQ Placement
Winter Semester (Year 1)
Course Prefix Title Units
SPCH 1A Public Speaking 4.0
Total:   4.0
Spring Semester (Year 1)
Course Prefix Title Units
ENGR 1C Engineering Critical Thinking 3.0
AA/S ARTS Area C-1 Arts Course 3.0
ENGR 6 Programming for Engineers 4.0
ENGR 7 (or) MATLAB for Engineers
PHYS 2AG General Physics 4.0
PHYS 4A (or) Engineering Physics
Total:   14.0
Engineering Fundamentals (Certificate N0846) Submit petition in portal, Student Self-Svc, #45
Summer Semester (Year 1)
Course Prefix Title Units
AA/S KINES Phys Ed (KIN) Activity Course 0.5
A/AS SELF AA/AS E LifelongUnderst Course 3.0
Total:   3.5
Fall Semester (Year 2)
Course Prefix Title Units
AA/S BEHAV Area D-2 Elective Course 3.0
ENGR 8 Properties of Materials 4.0
ENGR 18 Intro. to Engineering Graphics 3.0
ENGR 40 Statics 3.0
ENGR 40T (or) Applied Statics
ENGR 41 (or) Dynamics
ENGR 42 (or) Mechanics of Materials
ENGR 44 (or) Electrical Engineering
ENGR 50A (or) Robotics Team Project Dev
ENGR 50B (or) Inter Robotics Team
ENGR 285 (or) Diff Eqs and Lin Alg for Engr
PHYS 2BG (or) General Physics
PHYS 4B (or) Engineering Physics
Total:   13.0
Certificate: Level 1 (T0839) Check elective prereqs & add to plan if necessary. Submit petition:, Student Tab #45
Winter Semester (Year 2)
Course Prefix Title Units
A/AS AMIST AA/AS GE D1 Hist & Poli Sc Cr 3.0
Total:   3.0
Spring Semester (Year 2)
Course Prefix Title Units
ENGR 24 Engineering Graphics 4.0
A/AS HUM AA/AS GE C2 Humanities Course 3.0
AA/S ETHS Area F Ethnic Studies 3.0
ENGR 40 Statics 4.0
ENGR 40T (or) Applied Statics
ENGR 41 (or) Dynamics
ENGR 42 (or) Mechanics of Materials
ENGR 44 (or) Electrical Engineering
ENGR 50A (or) Robotics Team Project Dev
ENGR 50B (or) Inter Robotics Team
ENGR 285 (or) Diff Eqs and Lin Alg for Engr
PHYS 2BG (or) General Physics
PHYS 4B (or) Engineering Physics
Total:   14.0
Check elective prerequisites as they vary. Engr., Mechanical Engr Apps - AS (S0838) Submit petition:, Student Tab #45
Program Notes

Degree requirements include reading competency. This requirement is met by attaining eligibility for READ 100 or by completing READ 90.  Complete the online Assessment Questionnaire (AQ) at   

Total number of Units
Per Unit
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