Information Technology Emphasis, AA Liberal Arts and Sciences A8985
Program: A8985Looking for guidance? A counselor can help.
This Guided Pathways for Success (GPS) is a suggested sequence of coursework needed for program completion. It is not an official educational plan. Schedule an appointment with a counselor or advisor as soon as possible to create an individualized Mountie Academic Plan (MAP) specific to your goals and needs.

To speak with a counselor, please visit or call the Counseling Department at (909) 274-4380
Suggested Sequence of CourseworkIndicates Courses Offered Online
Fall Semester (Year 1)
Course Prefix | Title | Units |
CISB 11 | Computer Information Systems | 3.5 |
CISB 15 | Microcomputer Application | 3.5 |
AA/S MATH | Meet AA/AS Math Comptcy Req | 3.0 |
AA/S LIFE | Area E Lifelong Undrstg Course | 3.0 |
Total: | 13.0 |
Winter Semester (Year 1)
Course Prefix | Title | Units |
SPCH 1A | Public Speaking | 4.0 |
SPCH 2 | (or) Survey Communication Studies | |
SPCH 8 | (or) Professional Speaking | |
Total: | 4.0 |
Spring Semester (Year 1)
Course Prefix | Title | Units |
AA/S KINES | Phys Ed (KIN) Activity Course | 0.5 |
ENGL 1A | Freshman Composition | 4.0 |
CISP 21 | Programming in Java | 3.5 |
CISP 21L | (and) Programming in Java Laboratory | |
CISP 31 | (or) Programming in C++ | |
CISP 31L | (and) Programming in C++ Lab | |
CISP 41 | (or) Programming in C# | |
CISP 41L | (and) Programming in C# Laboratory | |
CISP 71 | (or) Programming in Python | |
CISP 71L | (and) Programming in Python Lab | |
CISW 24 | (or) Secure Python Programming | 3.0 |
CISW 24L | (and) Secure Python Programming Lab | 0.5 |
CISD 11 | Database Management - Access | 3.5 |
CISD 11 | (and) Database Management - Access | |
CISD 21 | (or) Database Management SQL Server | |
CISD 21L | (and) Database Mgmt SQL Server Lab | |
CISD 31 | (or) Database Management - Oracle | |
CISD 31L | (and) Database Management-Oracle Lab | |
Total: | 15.0 |
Summer Semester (Year 1)
Course Prefix | Title | Units |
AA/S ARTS | Area C-1 Arts Course | 3.0 |
Total: | 3.0 |
Fall Semester (Year 2)
Course Prefix | Title | Units |
AA/S BEHAV | Area D-2 Elective Course | 3.0 |
AA/S SCNCE | Area B-1 or B-2 Science Course | 3.0 |
CISN 21 | Windows Operating System | 3.0 |
CISN 11 | (or) Telecommunications Networking | |
CISN 11L | (and) Telecommunications/Network Lab | |
CISN 31 | (or) Linux Operating System | |
CISN 31L | (and) Linux Operating Systems Lab | |
CISS 13 | Information Systems Security | |
CISS 15 | (or) Operating Systems Security | |
CISS 21 | (or) Network Vulnerabilities | |
CISS 21L | (and) Network Vulnerabilities Lab | |
Total: | 9.0 |
Winter Semester (Year 2)
Course Prefix | Title | Units |
AA/S HUM | Area C-2 Humanities Course | 3.0 |
AA/S ETHS | Area F Ethnic Studies | 3.0 |
Total: | 6.0 |
Spring Semester (Year 2)
Course Prefix | Title | Units |
AA/S USHIS | Area D-1 Hist/Pol Sc Course | 3.0 |
AA/S ELECT | Degree Appl Course (Elective) | 3.0 |
AA/S ELECT | Degree Appl Course (Elective) | 3.0 |
AA/S ELECT | Degree Appl Course (Elective) | 3.0 |
Total: | 12.0 |
Information Techn. Emphasis, AA A8985
Submit petition:, Student Tab#45
Total number of Units
Total Number of Units: 62
Program Notes
Degree requirements include reading competency. This requirement is met by attaining eligibility for READ 100 or by completing READ 90. Complete the online Assessment Questionnaire (AQ) at
Recommended Electives-Select one from the list:
CISB 31 Microsoft Word
CISB 51 Micrsoft Powerpoint
CISM 11 Systems Analysis and Design
SPCH 26 Interpersonal Communication
or SPCH 26H Interpersonal Communication-Honors