About Culturama: Weekend of the Arts
Mt. San Antonio College is hosting Culturama: Weekend of the Arts featuring the 12th annual Writers’ Weekend. This event is open to participants from our college, other California colleges, and the surrounding community. Fiction, poetry, creative nonfiction writers, journalistic writers, scriptwriters, actors, graphic artists, fine artists, DJs, electronic music performers, commercial musicians, drummers, and all creative minds: this is your chance to network, workshop, and create with others who share your passion..
Our Mission
We are committed to celebrating and cultivating the creative works of students and Mt. San Antonio College and aspiring artists across the surrounding community.
Who is invited?
Classes are available for all ages and experience levels, and we welcome everyone. Please be advised that some of the writing workshops may have adult themes, depending on what the participants write about and share and these themes generally will not be filtered for minors. Attendants are permitted to come and go at any point. Art workshops with figure drawing will use clothed models and workshops are geared for all ages, though some of the tasks are designed for upper elementary ages or above. Please do not attend workshops if you are not comfortable with the topics.
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