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The CalWORKs program provides educational assistance to Mt. SAC students who receive cash aid throught TANF.  student-parents who are receiving TANF. The program assists students in entering the workforce at the highest level possible, and developing a personal career ladder  leading to increased self-sufficiency and individual  growth. 

Featured Events

The Mt. San Antonio College CalWORKs program empowers student-parents to successfully transition off public assistance by providing direct academic counseling, advocacy, case management, academic support and community resource referrals.

Steps to Getting Started

First Step

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 We’re Here To Help!

The Mt. SAC CalWORKs Program can help you with the following:

  • Prepare and assist with transferring requirements to a university
  • Enroll in Basic Skills Classes
  • Enroll in short term and long term training programs
  • Participate in the CalWORKs Work Study program (limited)
  • Completion of county paperwork
  • Completion of childcare paperwork
  • Assistance with books, supplies and fees

8:30 A.M. - 5:00 P.M.
Building 9B, Lower Level
(909) 274-4755

    • CalWORKs Enrollment Requirements


      • Provide current Proof of Aid
      • Have or are developing a  Welfare-to-Work Plan
      • Must have a dependent child under the age of 18, living at home
      • Enrolled or enrolling in  credit or non-credit classes at Mt. SAC
    • Applying to CalWORKs


      • Submit your current Proof of Aid to the CalWORKs office.
      • Call the Mt. SAC CalWORKs Program at (909) 274-4755 for a CalWORKs Overview.
    • Student Expectations


      • Maintain a 2.00 GPA
      • Meet with a Counselor or Program Specialist once a term.