Mahnoor Baig

March 14, 2023 - 01:56 PM
Caduceus Club: 3 Years
Club Officer: Yes
Occupation: Working with child protective services, and peer educating/mentoring at UCI
My name is Mahnoor Baig. My pronouns are (she/her/hers). I am pre-med student, my career goal is to become a Surgeon. A fun fact about me is that I had the amazing opportunity to shadow a doctor in Milan, Italy, while he conducted a coronary heart bypass on a 7-day-old baby. Being able to witness the joy of family and the medical professionals involved, after successful surgery is what encapsulated my passion for medicine even more. Aside from academics, I am involved in a lot of volunteer work at (hospital, clinics, dental office, and research, etc) so if you have any questions about how to get involved, feel free to ask me! I look forward to meeting you all virtually or in person! :) Next, I am a first-generation, low-income student from a single-parent background. With that being said I understand the struggles of unfamiliarity and nervousness’s that comes with applications as well as looking for opportunities if I can help in any way to support your academic and professional success please feel to reach out.
DO NOT BE SHY! J.K. Rowling once said, 'Help will always be given at Hogwarts to those who ask for it.'; similarly help will always be given at Mt. SAC, (to our minions) so long as you ask. Be your own advocate and proactive. We are all invested in your success, but we cannot assist you if we are unaware that you require assistance.