Excited students with words Mt. SAC is Back!
Excited students with words Mt. SAC is Back!
Excited students with words Mt. SAC is Back!

Mt. SAC is Back!

In-person classes are back at Mt. San Antonio College! Choose from thousands of in-person or online classesWe've stepped up safety protocols (including more cleaning and increased air filtration), carefully following guidance from public health officials. Campus safety guidelines are shared via email and on the COVID-19 web site.  As a nationally ranked community college, Mt. SAC's classes are transferable to a four-year university and cost just $46 a unit. Most students pay close to nothing with financial aid


Looking for the School of Continuing Education?

The School of Continuing Education, offers ESL, Adult Basic Education, Short-Term Vocational Training, Community Education Classes, and more! These programs will also be in-person!

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Mt. SAC is Back! Choose From In-Person and Online Classes