
Virtual Reality

Virtual Reality

Augmented Reality

Augmented Reality

Augmented & Virtual Reality

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Featured Events
Commercial & Entertainment Arts - Resources for Students
A photo of a study group in the library
The Design Lab
The Design Lab is equipped with everything you'll need for your coursework. Lab technicians and tutors are available to provide you with all the support you'll need outside the classroom.
Studio 13 Logo
Studio 13
Studio 13 provides graphic design services to the college and gives students a way to get professional work experience before leaving college while giving back to the campus community.
Photography Studio Equipment
Photo Studios
The Photography Studio has all the commercial lighting and equipment students would need to capture professional quality images.

Our Staff

  • Hector Rivas
  • Sunil Thankamushy
  • Rivas600x900
Animation & Gaming

8:30 A.M. - 5:00 P.M.
Building 13
(909) 274-4769