Follow these steps view Mt. SAC Email on your Android device:
Step 1
Install the Gmail app from the Google Play store Note – many devices come with the app already installed; if so, you can skip this
![Gmail App at the Google Play Store](/gmail/images/GmailOnGooglePlay.png)
Step 2
Go to Settings on your phone. This will typically be shown as an icon similar to this:
![Settings Icon](/gmail/images/AndroidSettings.png)
Step 3
Go to Accounts
![Accounts Menu item](/gmail/images/AndroidAccounts.png)
Step 4
Choose Add Account and choose Google from the list of options
![Add Account](/gmail/images/AndroidAddAccount.png)
Step 5
Enter your MountieMail (email) account in the Enter your email field. This would be your portal user name followed by ''
![Add Your Acconunt Menu](/gmail/images/AndriodEnterYourEmail.png)
Step 6
You should see the following message. Click Accept
![Enter your Mail Field](/gmail/images/AndroidManagedBy.png)
Step 7
You will now be directed to the Mt. SAC Portal login. Enter your User Name and Password, then click Login
![Login Window](/gmail/images/AndriodCasLogin.png)
Step 8
You may be prompted to enter payment information. This step is to facilitate purchases
in Google Play. You can click No Thanks and Continue.
![Gmail Icon](/gmail/images/AndriodGmailIcon.png)
Your setup is now complete! Click the Gmail icon to retrieve your mail.