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Using Locus of Control Principles in the Classroom to Promote Student Success

Author: Lori Walker Subject: Locus of Control, Personal Responsibility, Student Success Created: 2017-08-24
From The Author Research has shown that internal Locus of Control is a primary predictor of college student success and graduation. Helping students to use an internal Locus of Control mindset in my classroom has assisted them in taking personal responsibility for their choices and their outcomes. - Lori Walker

Impact on Faculty

Faculty Outcomes:
1. Understand the research literature that supports Internal Locus of Control as a primary predictor of college student success
2. Recognize your Locus of Control as an educator
3. Understand how to apply effective Internal Locus of Control practices within the classroom

Toolkit Survey

Toolkit Overview

This toolkit explains:
1. The meaning of internal versus external Locus of Control (LOC).
2. The research findings that support the importance of an internal Locus of Control (LOC) as a predictor of college student success/graduation.
3. Assists faculty in identifying how their own use of language/choice of actions with students models an internal versus external Locus of Control (LOC) mindset.
4. Assists faculty in modeling and applying internal versus external Locus of Control (LOC) language/choice of actions with students.

Steps To Implement

The tips and their applications are explained in the Powerpoint.