Mt. SAC Important Message

Mt SAC Alert: Campus remains open and accessible. Due to high winds, some branches and trees have fallen. If traveling to the college or on campus, please stay alert, exercise caution and report any safety concerns to Campus Safety at 909-274-4555.


Clery Act Compliance

The Crime Awareness and Campus Security Act of 1990 was renamed the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act in 1998 in memory of Jeanne Clery, a Lehigh University student who was murdered in her dorm room in 1986. It is commonly referred to as the Clery Act and requires all post-secondary institutions participating in Title IV student financial assistance programs to disclose campus crime statistics and security information. The purpose of the Clery Act is to provide timely and accurate information so members of the campus community can make informed decisions about their own safety. The Clery Act also requires that Mt. SAC maintain a daily crime log and notify the campus community about crimes that pose an ongoing threat. The Campus Emergency Alert System is used to notify students, faculty, and staff about campus emergencies with voice, text and email messages. Be sure to sign up so you receive these important messages.