
Path to Recovery Update 7/23

Path to Recovery graphic

July 23, 2020 - 08:08 AM

The Mt. SAC Path to Recovery update provides a summary of large scale efforts from the college to navigate the COVID-19 crisis, including its related economic impact.

Limited In-Person Classes Begin on Campus

This week, Mt. SAC opened a highly limited number of in-person classes for four programs that provide training for the state’s critical sectors, which are deemed essential, such as health care and public safety. The four programs train certified nursing assistants, emergency medical technicians, histotechnicians, and respiratory therapists.  The college has received clarity and guidance from the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health on providing essential workforce training while ensuring social distancing protocols are strictly followed.

Mt. SAC Receives Personal Protective Equipment Delivery

The college is receiving a shipment of Personal Protective Equipment (also known as PPE) to help protect its students and employees as classes resume on campus. The Chancellor’s Office and California Office of Emergency Services helped secure an initial 60-day supply of cloth masks, surgical masks, hand sanitizer, and thermometers. The safety equipment will be made available in kits for each classroom. Replenished supplies can be requested through the Office of Risk Management.

Foothill Transit Bus Rides Are Free

Mt. SAC has long partnered with Foothill Transit to provide bus rides for students through the Class Pass program. The mass transit organization has adjusted its procedures in response to the coronavirus. The Mt. SAC community is free to use Foothill Transit buses without the requirement of a payment or Class Pass from now through the Fall semester. Bus routes are following a regular schedule despite lower ridership to support social distancing. Riders are asked to:

Wash hands before and after riding the bus
Enter through the rear entrance only
Support social distancing and keep a 6-foot distance from others whenever possible
Wear a mask
Follow safety procedures on the bus