
Path to Recovery Update November 9, 2022

Path to Recovery graphic

November 09, 2022 - 08:08 AM

The Mt. SAC Path to Recovery update provides a summary of large scale efforts from the college to navigate the COVID-19 crisis, including its related economic impact.

COVID-19 Testing Changes

As COVID-19 moves from a pandemic to an endemic phase, Mt. SAC has adjusted its COVID-19 testing protocols.  

ANTIGEN TESTS - Mt. SAC is now providing Antigen tests only. These will be staffed and proctored by College staff. The Antigen tests are also called Rapid tests. They provide results in about 15 minutes. Antigen tests are especially useful for people who are COVID-19 positive and need to determine if they are no longer contagious to return to work or class.   Mt. SAC continues maintaining contact tracing on campus and following LA County Public Health requirements.

NO APPOINTMENTS NECESSARY – The College no longer uses the Cleared4 scheduling service for testing. The campus community can walk in for a free test.

TESTING LOCATION AND TIME – Free testing is available in one location:

Building 26A, Room 2634

Monday – Friday, 7 a.m. – 6 p.m.  


The Mt. SAC Path to Recovery email provides employees a summary of large-scale efforts from the college to navigate the COVID-19 crisis, including its related economic impact. For more information, visit the Public Health website at