
Dr. Aida Cuenza-Uvas

Aida Cuenza-Uvas

Director, Arise Program 

Mt. San Antonio College, A.A., Liberal Arts
California State University, Pomona, B.S., Urban and Regional Planning
California State University, Long Beach, M.S., Counseling/Student Development in Higher Education
California State University, Fullerton, Ed.D., Educational Leadership/Community College 

Dr. Aida Cuenza-Uvas is a proud Mountie alumna, who has worked at Mt. SAC for 30 years within Student Services.  Her introduction to student affairs work began with a student assistant position in the Transfer Center.  She was a classified employee and for the past decade has served as the Director of the Arise Program.  Without reservation, Aida describes her educational journey as "Degrees by the Decades".  She lives by the quote, "They say I dream too big; I say they dream too small" found on an art print by local artist, Anna Alvarado that had been gifted to her.

Why do you like participating in the Mountie Mentor Program?
Being in community with students and colleagues, creating a sense of belonging and welcoming to our students, providing the opportunity to teach skills, share wisdom, and listen to and learn from students.

Advice for students:
1. Do not be afraid to try. Always start with "yes".
2. If you can't be what you can't see, then "go over, around, under, or through" (Grover, Sesame Street).
3. Progress, not perfection.
3. Do not limit yourself; there's enough of others who will think it's their job to do that.