Horse Ranch Management, AS S0102
Program: S0102Looking for guidance? A counselor can help.
This Guided Pathways for Success (GPS) is a suggested sequence of coursework needed for program completion. It is not an official educational plan. Schedule an appointment with a counselor or advisor as soon as possible to create an individualized Mountie Academic Plan (MAP) specific to your goals and needs.

To speak with a counselor, please visit or call the Counseling Department at (909) 274-4380
Suggested Sequence of CourseworkIndicates Courses Offered Online
Fall Semester (Year 1)
Course Prefix | Title | Units |
ASCI 2 | Animal Nutrition | 3.0 |
ASCI 94 | Animal Breeding | 3.0 |
ASCI 96 | Animal Sanitation Diseas Cntrl | 3.0 |
ENGL 1A | Freshman Composition | 4.0 |
Total: | 13.0 |
Winter Semester (Year 1)
Course Prefix | Title | Units |
SPCH 1A | Public Speaking | 4.0 |
Total: | 4.0 |
Spring Semester (Year 1)
Course Prefix | Title | Units |
ASCI 18 | Horse Ranch Management | 4.0 |
ASCI 19 | Horse Hoof Care | 2.0 |
ASCI 59 | Work Experience in Agriculture | 4.0 |
AA/S MATH | Meet AA/AS Math Comptcy Req | 3.0 |
A/AS PE | Meet AA/AS Phys Well-Being Req | 0.5 |
Total: | 13.5 |
Summer Semester (Year 1)
Course Prefix | Title | Units |
A/AS ARTS | AA/AS GE C1 Arts Crse | 3.0 |
A/AS BEH | AA/AS D-2 Elective Course | 3.0 |
Total: | 6.0 |
Fall Semester (Year 2)
Course Prefix | Title | Units |
ASCI 20 | Horse Behavior and Traini | 2.0 |
ASCI 59 | Work Experience in Agriculture | 3.0 |
ASCI 97 | Artificial Insemination | 3.0 |
A/AS SCNCE | AA/AS GE B1/B2 Science Crse | 3.0 |
AGOR 51 | Tractor & Equipment Operations | 3.0 |
AGOR 53 | (or) Small Engine Repair I | |
AGOR 71 | (or) Construction Fundamentals | |
BUSM 20 | (or) Principles of Business | |
BUSM 66 | (or) Small Business Management | |
WELD 40 | (or) Introduction to Welding | |
Total: | 14.0 |
Winter Semester (Year 2)
Course Prefix | Title | Units |
A/AS AMIST | AA/AS GE D1 Hist & Poli Sc Cr | 3.0 |
A/AS SELF | AA/AS E LifelongUnderst Course | 3.0 |
Total: | 6.0 |
Spring Semester (Year 2)
Course Prefix | Title | Units |
ASCI 59 | Work Experience in Agriculture | 1.0 |
ASCI 16 | Horse Production & Management | 4.0 |
A/AS HUM | AA/AS GE C2 Humanities Course | 3.0 |
AA/S ETHS | Area F Ethnic Studies | 3.0 |
AGOR 51 | Tractor & Equipment Operations | 3.0 |
AGOR 53 | (or) Small Engine Repair I | |
AGOR 71 | (or) Construction Fundamentals | |
BUSM 20 | (or) Principles of Business | |
BUSM 66 | (or) Small Business Management | |
WELD 40 | (or) Introduction to Welding | |
Total: | 14.0 |
Certificate: Horse Ranch Mgmt., Lvl I (M0869)
Certificate: Horse Ranch Management, Lvl II N04888
Horse Ranch Management, AS S0102
Submit petitions to Admissions & Records
Total number of Units
Total Number of Units: 70.5
Program Notes
Degree requirements include reading competency. This requirement is met by attaining eligibility for READ 100. You may complete READ 90 or take the reading placement exam and earn a 65 or higher (eligibility for READ 100).