
Education & Technology Committee


Name Title Term Appointed By
Melba Castro Co-Chair  Ongoing Administration
Raul Madrid Co-Chair Ongoing Academic Senate
Anthony Moore Chief Technology Officer Ongoing Chief Technology Officer
Sylvia Ruano Dean of Instruction Ongoing Vice President, Instruction
Donna Balducci-Lopez Classified (Student Life) Ongoing Vice President, Student Services
Michelle Newhart FCLT Instructional Designer Ongoing Dean of LLR
Paul O'Brien Faculty 2023-2024 Academic Senate
Danielle Dervishian Faculty 2023-2024 Academic Senate
Sonia Ortega Faculty 2023-2025 Academic Senate
Ellen Caldwell Faculty 2023-2026 Academic Senate
Jessica Fuller Faculty 2023-2026 Academic Senate
Vacant Faculty representing DLC 2023-2025 Academic Senate
Anthony Arenas Student Representative appointed by Associated students 2023-2024 Associated Students

*Appointments should be made with consultation among the Academic Senate President, the Vice President, Student Services, and the Vice President, Instruction to ensure, when possible, representation from each of the following areas: Student Services (including Counseling), Student Equity, The Instructional Leadership Team, Distance Learning, and the School of Continuing Education.

A 50% plus one balance of committee members will favor faculty representation.