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Basic Needs Committee

The Homelessness & Basic Resources Committee (HBRC) was launched  in 2017 in response to Mt. San Antonio College’s (Mt. SAC) desire to support the needs of students who face housing, food, and other basic resource insecurities. In 2019, the committee name was changed to Basic Needs Committee (BNC) and its purpose transitioned from direct support to an advisory body that recommends solutions and advocates for Mt. SAC’s Basic Needs Resources program. The Mt. SAC community can support our basic needs efforts in various ways, which includes giving to the “Basic Needs Fund” through Mt. SAC’s Foundation & Alumni Association website (click the blue button on the right). Addressing students’ basic needs takes all of us working together so we appreciate your support.

      • Purpose

        BNC is responsible for proposing inclusive and equitable recommendations and solutions regarding issues related to students’ lack of basic needs resources, including, but not limited to housing, food, wellness (physical, emotional, and mental), hygiene, and transportation.

      • Function
        1. Review basic needs services and resource and recommend ways to identify and fill gaps.
        2. Work collaboratively with campus programs and departments to review students’ basic needs, including requests for funding and support for special projects, services, or interventions.
        3. Recommend updates to the College website, portal, and other online communication tools to include links to services available on-campus as well as to community-based resources relating to basic needs resources such as housing, food, wellness (physical, emotional, and mental), hygiene, and transportation.
        4. Promote professional development opportunities to College faculty and staff to learn ways to sensitively and effectively address issues related to basic needs insecurities such as housing, food, wellness (physical, emotional, and mental), hygiene, and transportation.
        5. Explore ways to create partnerships with businesses, as well as public and private agencies, to supply resources for students in need.
        6. Recommend sources of funding for basic needs-related services and resources.
      • Members
        • Connie Gutierrez (Co-Chair)
        • Christina Cammayo (Co-Chair)
        • Sylvia Ruano (VP Instruction)
        • Carla Tablas
        • Sgt. Brian Owen
        • Rosie Esparza
        • Xiaopan Xue
        • Candie Marin
        • Ken Bohan
        • Cristina Springfield
        • Karelyn Hoover
        • Rigo Estrada
        • Shelly Laddusaw
        • Christina Kessler
        • Johnny Kay
        • Jason Goff