
Continuing Education Enrollment

The Continuing Education Division offers quality programs for students seeking self-improvement, enhanced earning power, increased literacy skills, and access to higher education and employment. Noncredit programs are tuition-free and include Adult Basic Education, English as a Second Language, Adult High School Diploma Program, High School Referral Program, Health Careers, Older Adult Programs, and Vocational/Career Programs.  Noncredit labs also support basic skills development through the Health Careers Resource Center, the Academic Support and Achievement Center, the Language Learning Center, MARC (math skills), the Writing Center, and WIN (student athlete tutoring).  The division also has a fee-based Community Education program that provides a variety of offerings to suit community interests.

Students can enroll in noncredit classes as follows:

  • Adult Basic Education:  Building 30, (909) 274-4845
  • Adult HS Diploma:  Building 30, (909) 274-4845
  • High School Referral:  Building 30, (909) 274-4845
  • English as a Second Language:  Building 66, (909) 274-5235
  • Older Adult Programs:  Building 40, division office, (909) 274-4220
  • Career Programs:  Building 40, division office, (909) 274-4220
  • Noncredit Labs:  Front counters of labs, or Building 40, division office.

Counselors, educational advisors, and other student services are available in program and division offices.