Electronics Technology - Level 1View Catalog Details

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Electronics Technology - Level 1
View Catalog Details


Contact: Joe DennyTitle: Department Co-ChairContact:
Career Outlook Electronics Technology - Level 1

Technology and Health Division
Certificate M0679

This one-semester program covers the fundamentals of Electronics Technology. General topics include direct current electronics, alternating current electronics, and digital electronics. These introductory courses provide entry-level skills for those seeking employment as electronics technicians. This Level 1 certificate will prepare students with the requisite knowledge for subsequent electronics certificates and degrees.

Required Courses 

Higher Education, Higher Income:
This award offers multiple levels. Completion of all levels can lead to higher pay.

Industry StatisticsJob Titles & Salaries
Select a related job title below to view demand & salary information
    • Electrical and Electronics Drafters

      Electrical and Electronics Drafters

      SOC Career Code: 17-3012.00

      Prepare wiring diagrams, circuit board assembly diagrams, and layout drawings used for the manufacture, installation, or repair of electrical equipment.

      Typical Hourly Salary

      The figure above is based off a percentile of 25 percent. 100 mile radus icon for career resultsAll job data and figures based on a 100 mile radius from Mt. SAC

      Top Entry-Level Education
      Chart Legend
      • Doctoral Degree Or More
      • Master's Degree
      • Bachelor's Degree
      • Associate's Degree
      • Some College
      • Certificate
      • High School Diploma Or Less
      Median Salary Earnings
      Annual Job Openings

      Openings are regional vacancies due to growth and turnover in this career.All job data and figures based on a 100 mile radius from Mt. SAC

      Historical Wages
    • Electrical and Electronic Engineering Technicians

      Electrical and Electronic Engineering Technicians

      SOC Career Code: 17-3023.00

      Apply electrical and electronic theory and related knowledge, usually under the direction of engineering staff, to design, build, repair, adjust, and modify electrical components, circuitry, controls, and machinery for subsequent evaluation and use by engineering staff in making engineering design decisions.

      Typical Hourly Salary

      The figure above is based off a percentile of 25 percent. 100 mile radus icon for career resultsAll job data and figures based on a 100 mile radius from Mt. SAC

      Top Entry-Level Education
      Chart Legend
      • Doctoral Degree Or More
      • Master's Degree
      • Bachelor's Degree
      • Associate's Degree
      • Some College
      • Certificate
      • High School Diploma Or Less
      Median Salary Earnings
      Annual Job Openings

      Openings are regional vacancies due to growth and turnover in this career.All job data and figures based on a 100 mile radius from Mt. SAC

      Historical Wages
    • Electro-Mechanical Technicians

      Electro-Mechanical Technicians

      SOC Career Code: 17-3024.00

      Operate, test, maintain, or adjust unmanned, automated, servomechanical, or electromechanical equipment. May operate unmanned submarines, aircraft, or other equipment to observe or record visual information at sites such as oil rigs, crop fields, buildings, or for similar infrastructure, deep ocean exploration, or hazardous waste removal. May assist engineers in testing and designing robotics equipment.

      Typical Hourly Salary

      The figure above is based off a percentile of 25 percent. 100 mile radus icon for career resultsAll job data and figures based on a 100 mile radius from Mt. SAC

      Top Entry-Level Education
      Chart Legend
      • Doctoral Degree Or More
      • Master's Degree
      • Bachelor's Degree
      • Associate's Degree
      • Some College
      • Certificate
      • High School Diploma Or Less
      Median Salary Earnings
      Annual Job Openings

      Openings are regional vacancies due to growth and turnover in this career.All job data and figures based on a 100 mile radius from Mt. SAC

      Historical Wages
    • Non-Destructive Testing Specialists

      Non-Destructive Testing Specialists

      SOC Career Code: 17-3029.01

      Test the safety of structures, vehicles, or vessels using x-ray, ultrasound, fiber optic or related equipment.

      Typical Hourly Salary

      The figure above is based off a percentile of 25 percent. 100 mile radus icon for career resultsAll job data and figures based on a 100 mile radius from Mt. SAC

      Top Entry-Level Education
      Chart Legend
      • Doctoral Degree Or More
      • Master's Degree
      • Bachelor's Degree
      • Associate's Degree
      • Some College
      • Certificate
      • High School Diploma Or Less
      Median Salary Earnings
      Annual Job Openings

      Openings are regional vacancies due to growth and turnover in this career.All job data and figures based on a 100 mile radius from Mt. SAC

      Historical Wages
    • Electrical and Electronics Repairers for Commercial and Industrial Equipment

      Electrical and Electronics Repairers for Commercial and Industrial Equipment

      SOC Career Code: 49-2094.00

      Repair, test, adjust, or install electronic equipment, such as industrial controls, transmitters, and antennas.

      Typical Hourly Salary

      The figure above is based off a percentile of 25 percent. 100 mile radus icon for career resultsAll job data and figures based on a 100 mile radius from Mt. SAC

      Top Entry-Level Education
      Chart Legend
      • Doctoral Degree Or More
      • Master's Degree
      • Bachelor's Degree
      • Associate's Degree
      • Some College
      • Certificate
      • High School Diploma Or Less
      Median Salary Earnings
      Annual Job Openings

      Openings are regional vacancies due to growth and turnover in this career.All job data and figures based on a 100 mile radius from Mt. SAC

      Historical Wages
    • Electrical and Electronic Equipment Assemblers

      Electrical and Electronic Equipment Assemblers

      SOC Career Code: 51-2022.00

      Assemble or modify electrical or electronic equipment, such as computers, test equipment telemetering systems, electric motors, and batteries.

      Typical Hourly Salary

      The figure above is based off a percentile of 25 percent. 100 mile radus icon for career resultsAll job data and figures based on a 100 mile radius from Mt. SAC

      Top Entry-Level Education
      Chart Legend
      • Doctoral Degree Or More
      • Master's Degree
      • Bachelor's Degree
      • Associate's Degree
      • Some College
      • Certificate
      • High School Diploma Or Less
      Median Salary Earnings
      Annual Job Openings

      Openings are regional vacancies due to growth and turnover in this career.All job data and figures based on a 100 mile radius from Mt. SAC

      Historical Wages
    • Electromechanical Equipment Assemblers

      Electromechanical Equipment Assemblers

      SOC Career Code: 51-2023.00

      Assemble or modify electromechanical equipment or devices, such as servomechanisms, gyros, dynamometers, magnetic drums, tape drives, brakes, control linkage, actuators, and appliances.

      Typical Hourly Salary

      The figure above is based off a percentile of 25 percent. 100 mile radus icon for career resultsAll job data and figures based on a 100 mile radius from Mt. SAC

      Top Entry-Level Education
      Chart Legend
      • Doctoral Degree Or More
      • Master's Degree
      • Bachelor's Degree
      • Associate's Degree
      • Some College
      • Certificate
      • High School Diploma Or Less
      Median Salary Earnings
      Annual Job Openings

      Openings are regional vacancies due to growth and turnover in this career.All job data and figures based on a 100 mile radius from Mt. SAC

      Historical Wages

Certificate & Degree Details

Select a certificate below to expand details
  • Electronics Technology - Level 1

    Technology and Health Division
    Certificate M0679

    This one-semester program covers the fundamentals of Electronics Technology. General topics include direct current electronics, alternating current electronics, and digital electronics. These introductory courses provide entry-level skills for those seeking employment as electronics technicians. This Level 1 certificate will prepare students with the requisite knowledge for subsequent electronics certificates and degrees.

    Required Courses 
    Course Prefix Course Name Units
    ELEC 50AElectronic Circuits - Direct Current (DC)4
    ELEC 50BElectronic Circuits (AC)4
    ELEC 56Digital Electronics4
    Total Units12
  • Electronics Technology - Level 2

    Technology and Health Division
    Certificate N0680

    This program covers the fundamentals of Electronics Technology plus additional coursework in other areas of specialty. It is composed of the same 12 unit coursework from the Electronics Technology Level 1 certificate plus 12 additional elective units chosen from other electronics courses within the Electronics Department. This certificate allows students the flexibility to combine Electronics courses to meet individual goals in a specialty of their choosing. This Level 2 certificate will prepare students with the requisite knowledge for subsequent Electronics certificates and degrees. 

    Required Courses 
    Course Prefix Course Name Units
    ELEC 50AElectronic Circuits - Direct Current (DC)4
    ELEC 50BElectronic Circuits (AC)4
    ELEC 56Digital Electronics4
    Required Electives
    Students may choose from any of the courses in List A or List B to fulfill the 12 units of required electives12-15
    List A: Associate Degree Track
    ELEC 11
    Technical Applications in Microcomputers
    ELEC 12
    Computer Simulation and Troubleshooting
    ELEC 51
    Semiconductor Devices and Circuits
    ELEC 53
    Communications Systems
    ELEC 54A
    Industrial Electronics
    ELEC 54B
    Industrial Electronic Systems
    ELEC 55
    Microwave Communications
    ELEC 61
    Electronic Assembly and Fabrication
    ELEC 74
    Microcontroller Systems
    TECH 60
    Customer Relations for the Technician
    List B: Other acceptable courses
    CNET 56
    Computer Networks
    ELEC 10
    Introduction to Mechatronics
    ELEC 62
    Advanced Surface Mount Assembly and Rework
    ELEC 76
    FCC General Radiotelephone Operator License Preparation
    Total Units24-27


Department Contact

Contact: Joe DennyTitle: Department Co-ChairContact:

Office Contact

Location: Building 28BPhone: (909) 274 - 4978