- Objective 1
Increase the placement of students directly in gateway English and mathematics courses
that are transferable to the University of California or the California State University
and career pathways, with remedial instruction integrated as appropriate for underprepraed
- Objective 2
Contextualized remedial instruction in foundation skills for the industry cluster,
pathways, or both, in which students seeks to advance.
- Objective 3
Provide proactive student support services that are integrated with the instruction.
- Objective 4
Develop two- and three-course sequence, as appropriate for completion of a college-level
English or mathematics course, or both, for underprepared students, by utilizing technology,
where appropriate, to enhance the adoption of the high impact practices specified
in methods (1) to (5), inclusive.
- Objective 5
Effectively manage the Basic Skills and Student Outcomes Transformation Program grant.