
Accessibility Workshops

Where to find training opportunities

Accessibility Workshops

There are two local and two California community college system resources where you can find opportunities to receive accessibility training through live and self-paced workshops and courses. Mt. SAC Professional and Organizational Department - POD - lists all live training on a calendar and also offers self-paced workshops in the Virtual Resource Center. Additional self-paced workshops can be found within the Mt. SAC Canvas Faculty Center, an open course in Canvas. 

In the California Community College system, the Online Network of Educators (@ONE) offers many types of workshops and courses including ones focused on accessibility. Finally, the CCC Accessibility Center offers not only workshops and trainings but Accessibility Office Hours for questions and summer and winter courses. 

Mt. SAC's Professional and Organizational Development requires login to reach the training calendar, which features events at Mt. SAC and from CCC organizations such as the CCC Technology Center and the CCC Accessibility Center. Clicking on each item allows you to see the description and if the learning event earns any types of credit, and links to registration for events. POD Connect Calendar's Learning also goes to the Vision Resource Center where self-paced elearning opportunities are provided to employees. Check out this playlist of Accessibility-related self-paced workshops currently available through the Vision Resource Center in POD (Mt. SAC login may be required).

While many of the offerings from FCLT, CCC Accessibilty Center, and the Online Network of Educators can be found in the POD calendar, you can also review those offerings through these direct links. Professors can also consult with instructional designers in Mt. SAC's Faculty Center for Learning Technology (set an appointment from the Mt. SAC Faculty Center menu) or review additional self-paced options made available in the Online Network of Educators. All employees can use office hour services, self-paced workshops, and other resources found in the CCC Accessibility Center.