
Getting Started

Whenever possible use webpages instead of other document types such as Word or PDF to publish information on the Web.

    • 1Know the Law

      The law has been refreshed and as of January 18, 2018 institutions (anyone who receives federal funding) must ensure websites, emails and MORE are accessible or face possible litigation! (29 U.S.C. § 794, 20 U.S.C. § 1405, 42 U.S.C. § 12101, Gov. Code § 11135)

    • 2Review the Guidelines

      All electronic websites, documents and correspondence shall be accessible according to these Accessibility Guidelines.

    • 3 Scan Your Page(s)

      Run an Accessibility Scan on Your Page(s). You can run the accessibility scan within OmniUpdate or use the WAVE browser plugin.

      To check Accessibility within OmniUpdate when publishing a Page:

      Accessibility Check Within OmniUpdate

      To scan a specific page using a browser (e.g., Google Chrome or Safari) :

      1. Install the WAVE extension on your browser
      2. Navigate to your page
      3. Click the WAVE  icon in your browser

      WAVE web accessibility evalutation tool sample results


    • 4Making Your Page(s) Accessible

      If errors are found on your page, follow these steps to make your pages accessible.