Drone Camera OperatorView Catalog Details

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Drone Camera Operator
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Contact: Steve BurgoonTitle: Department ChairContact:
Career Outlook Drone Camera Operator

Arts Division
Degree S0449
This degree is designed for students who want to specialize as drone camera imaging operators for multiple career applications in commercial photography, cinematography, construction, surveying, inspection, and public safety.

Required Courses 

Industry StatisticsJob Titles & Salaries
Select a related job title below to view demand & salary information
    • Lighting Technicians

      Lighting Technicians

      SOC Career Code: 27-4015.00

      Set up, maintain, and dismantle light fixtures, lighting control devices, and the associated lighting electrical and rigging equipment used for photography, television, film, video, and live productions. May focus or operate light fixtures, or attach color filters or other lighting accessories.

      Typical Hourly Salary

      The figure above is based off a percentile of 25 percent. 100 mile radus icon for career resultsAll job data and figures based on a 100 mile radius from Mt. SAC

      Top Entry-Level Education
      Chart Legend
      • Doctoral Degree Or More
      • Master's Degree
      • Bachelor's Degree
      • Associate's Degree
      • Some College
      • Certificate
      • High School Diploma Or Less
      Median Salary Earnings
      Annual Job Openings

      Openings are regional vacancies due to growth and turnover in this career.All job data and figures based on a 100 mile radius from Mt. SAC

      Historical Wages
    • Photographers


      SOC Career Code: 27-4021.00

      Photograph people, landscapes, merchandise, or other subjects. May use lighting equipment to enhance a subject's appearance. May use editing software to produce finished images and prints. Includes commercial and industrial photographers, scientific photographers, and photojournalists.

      Typical Hourly Salary

      The figure above is based off a percentile of 25 percent. 100 mile radus icon for career resultsAll job data and figures based on a 100 mile radius from Mt. SAC

      Top Entry-Level Education
      Chart Legend
      • Doctoral Degree Or More
      • Master's Degree
      • Bachelor's Degree
      • Associate's Degree
      • Some College
      • Certificate
      • High School Diploma Or Less
      Median Salary Earnings
      Annual Job Openings

      Openings are regional vacancies due to growth and turnover in this career.All job data and figures based on a 100 mile radius from Mt. SAC

      Historical Wages
    • Photographic Process Workers and Processing Machine Operators

      Photographic Process Workers and Processing Machine Operators

      SOC Career Code: 51-9151.00

      Perform work involved in developing and processing photographic images from film or digital media. May perform precision tasks such as editing photographic negatives and prints.

      Typical Hourly Salary

      The figure above is based off a percentile of 25 percent. 100 mile radus icon for career resultsAll job data and figures based on a 100 mile radius from Mt. SAC

      Top Entry-Level Education
      Chart Legend
      • Doctoral Degree Or More
      • Master's Degree
      • Bachelor's Degree
      • Associate's Degree
      • Some College
      • Certificate
      • High School Diploma Or Less
      Median Salary Earnings
      Annual Job Openings

      Openings are regional vacancies due to growth and turnover in this career.All job data and figures based on a 100 mile radius from Mt. SAC

      Historical Wages

Certificate & Degree Details

Select a certificate below to expand details
  • Drone Camera Operator

    Arts Division
    Degree S0449
    This degree is designed for students who want to specialize as drone camera imaging operators for multiple career applications in commercial photography, cinematography, construction, surveying, inspection, and public safety.

    Required Courses 

    Course Prefix Course Name Units
    AERO 160Unmanned Aircraft Systems Basic4
    AERO 210Unmanned Aircraft Systems Advanced4
    PHOT 10Basic Digital and Film Photography3
    PHOT 11BDigital Capture Workflow3
    PHOT 26Video for Photographers3
    PHOT 50Drone Camera Operator Basic3
    PHOT 51Drone Advanced Still and Motion Camera Operator3
    PHOT 55Drone Mapping3
    PHOT 56Drone Inspection and Thermal Imaging3
    Recommended Electives
    ANIM 130
    Introduction to 3D Modeling
    ANIM 172
    Motion Graphics, Compositing and Visual Effects
    ARTC 272
    Motion Graphics, Compositing and Visual Effects
    ECT 87
    Fundamentals of Construction Inspection
    GEOG 10
    Introduction to Geographic Information Systems
    PHOT 9
    Digital Image Editing for Photographers
    PHOT 24
    Advanced Digital Image Editing for Photographers
    PHOT 28
    Photography Portfolio Development
    R-TV 04
    Broadcast News Field Reporting
    R-TV 06
    Broadcast Traffic Reporting
    R-TV 19A
    Beginning Video Production
    R-TV 19B
    Advanced Video Production
    R-TV 22
    Editing for Film and Television
    Total Units29
How to Complete the Program

Guided Pathways

Program Guided Pathways


Department Contact

Contact: Steve BurgoonTitle: Department ChairContact:

Office Contact

Location: Building 13-2457Phone: (909) 274 - 5332