eDiscovery and Litigation SupportView Catalog Details

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eDiscovery and Litigation Support
View Catalog Details


Career Outlook eDiscovery and Litigation Support

Business Division
Certificate M0885 

The eDiscovery and Litigation Support Certificate is designed for paralegals and other professionals interested in gaining employment in the emerging fields of litigation support and electronic discovery. Litigation support professionals help identify, preserve, collect, produce, and manage electronically stored information (ESI) in modern litigation. Courses focus on how such technology is rapidly changing the legal field and provides practical skills in popular eDiscovery platforms and databases.   

Required Courses 

Industry StatisticsJob Titles & Salaries
Select a related job title below to view demand & salary information
    • Paralegals and Legal Assistants

      Paralegals and Legal Assistants

      SOC Career Code: 23-2011.00

      Assist lawyers by investigating facts, preparing legal documents, or researching legal precedent. Conduct research to support a legal proceeding, to formulate a defense, or to initiate legal action.

      Typical Hourly Salary

      The figure above is based off a percentile of 25 percent. 100 mile radus icon for career resultsAll job data and figures based on a 100 mile radius from Mt. SAC

      Top Entry-Level Education
      Chart Legend
      • Doctoral Degree Or More
      • Master's Degree
      • Bachelor's Degree
      • Associate's Degree
      • Some College
      • Certificate
      • High School Diploma Or Less
      Median Salary Earnings
      Annual Job Openings

      Openings are regional vacancies due to growth and turnover in this career.All job data and figures based on a 100 mile radius from Mt. SAC

      Historical Wages
    • Title Examiners, Abstractors, and Searchers

      Title Examiners, Abstractors, and Searchers

      SOC Career Code: 23-2093.00

      Search real estate records, examine titles, or summarize pertinent legal or insurance documents or details for a variety of purposes. May compile lists of mortgages, contracts, and other instruments pertaining to titles by searching public and private records for law firms, real estate agencies, or title insurance companies.

      Typical Hourly Salary

      The figure above is based off a percentile of 25 percent. 100 mile radus icon for career resultsAll job data and figures based on a 100 mile radius from Mt. SAC

      Top Entry-Level Education
      Chart Legend
      • Doctoral Degree Or More
      • Master's Degree
      • Bachelor's Degree
      • Associate's Degree
      • Some College
      • Certificate
      • High School Diploma Or Less
      Median Salary Earnings
      Annual Job Openings

      Openings are regional vacancies due to growth and turnover in this career.All job data and figures based on a 100 mile radius from Mt. SAC

      Historical Wages
    • Court Reporters and Simultaneous Captioners

      Court Reporters and Simultaneous Captioners

      SOC Career Code: 27-3092.00

      Use verbatim methods and equipment to capture, store, retrieve, and transcribe pretrial and trial proceedings or other information. Includes stenocaptioners who operate computerized stenographic captioning equipment to provide captions of live or prerecorded broadcasts for hearing-impaired viewers.

      Typical Hourly Salary

      The figure above is based off a percentile of 25 percent. 100 mile radus icon for career resultsAll job data and figures based on a 100 mile radius from Mt. SAC

      Top Entry-Level Education
      Chart Legend
      • Doctoral Degree Or More
      • Master's Degree
      • Bachelor's Degree
      • Associate's Degree
      • Some College
      • Certificate
      • High School Diploma Or Less
      Median Salary Earnings
      Annual Job Openings

      Openings are regional vacancies due to growth and turnover in this career.All job data and figures based on a 100 mile radius from Mt. SAC

      Historical Wages
    • Legal Secretaries

      Legal Secretaries

      SOC Career Code: 43-6012.00

      Perform secretarial duties using legal terminology, procedures, and documents. Prepare legal papers and correspondence, such as summonses, complaints, motions, and subpoenas. May also assist with legal research.

      Typical Hourly Salary

      The figure above is based off a percentile of 25 percent. 100 mile radus icon for career resultsAll job data and figures based on a 100 mile radius from Mt. SAC

      Top Entry-Level Education
      Chart Legend
      • Doctoral Degree Or More
      • Master's Degree
      • Bachelor's Degree
      • Associate's Degree
      • Some College
      • Certificate
      • High School Diploma Or Less
      Median Salary Earnings
      Annual Job Openings

      Openings are regional vacancies due to growth and turnover in this career.All job data and figures based on a 100 mile radius from Mt. SAC

      Historical Wages


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