
Parking Permit Application Process for Students

  1. Log in to your student account through the portal. Locate Parking (Student) card.
    Step 1: Login to Student Portal

  2. Click “Purchase Permits”.
    Step 3: Click Purchase Permits

  3. Select the "Student" permit for the appropriate academic term and click the "Register" button
    Step 4: Select the student permit option

  4. First time users must click "Create Account" and complete the registration information.
    Step 5: Click create account and complet the registration info

  5. Provide name, email, password, and then click "create account" bar.
    Step 6: Provide information and create an account

  6. After creating the account, check provided email account for a message from - Citizen Connect: "Email Confirmation" to confirm.
    Step 7: Check for confirmation email from Citizen Connect

  7. In the body of the email received, click "Confirm Email".
    Step 8: Click Confirm Email

  8. Click "Sign In" to access account - using the email and password provided earlier.
    Step 9: SIgn into your account

  9. Confirm your permit type and price = "Student Fall" and  the amount.
    Step 10: Confirm your permit type and price

  10. Complete "Your Info" area with Name, Email, Phone #, and Address Information.
    Step 11: Complete your information

  11. Complete the "Add Vehicle" information. Students may add two vehicles to their account.
    Step 12: Complete the vehicle information section

  12. Click "Purchase Permit"
    Step 13: Purchase Permit

  13. Select a payment method.
    Step 14: Select a Payment Method

  14. After payment is approved, the "Permit Confirmation" message will appear.
    Step 15: Confirmation Message

  15. The student will also receive a "Thank You " email confirming the purchase of the parking permit.
    Step 16: Confirmation email message