
Alyssa Martinez

Alyssa Martinez

Faculty Substitutes-Credit

Building: 9B-CornerCubicle
(909) 274-4380

A.A. General Studies/Social Sciences, Rio Hondo College

B.A. Sociology, University of California, Berkeley

M.S. Educational Counseling, University of La Verne


Alyssa Martinez

Alyssa Martinez is a newer EOPS/CARE adjunct counselor at Mount San Antonio College. She has been counseling as an adjunct counselor since 2019 at Rio Hondo College and Long Beach City college as well as working as a retention specialist at Coastline Community College. She began her counseling career after being a clerk in the general counseling department at Rio Hondo College and found a passion in helping students.

Alyssa is a first-generation college student; after high school she was going to UCSB but lost her admission and began her journey at Rio Hondo College. She then turned her educational life around and was able to transfer to UC Berkeley. After taking a four-year break in education, she decided to work full time and pursue her master’s degree in Educational Counseling at the University of La Verne. Alyssa can relate to the process of all community college students; from being on probation to the transfer process, to even being the student who struggles with motivation, balance and time management.

“I just get it and get you. I understand that community college can be very challenging. I am extremely aware of your process and always see you as not only a student but a person with multiple roles – and I strive to find you a balanced educational plan. I can understand that you may not have support and motivation from your friends and family, but I am here to uplift you during the challenging times in your academics.”

Alyssa currently lives in Pico Rivera and would like to continue her education still. She is just deciding what that looks like. She spends her free time working on fitness, to be mentally and physically strong.