FIRE WF87  Wildland Fire Academy

16 Units (Degree Applicable)
Lecture: 189   Lab: 297
Prerequisite: KINF 51A or KINF 51B or KINF 52A or KINF 52B
Corequisite: KINF 53
Advisory: FIRE WF101 and FIRE WF102 and FIRE WF103 and FIRE WF104 and FIRE WF105

This course is designed for students who want to gain certification as a wildland firefighter through the National Wildland Coordinating Group (NWCG). This course provides training in hand crew formation, fireline construction, and the use of wildland fire equipment. Certification is included in Human Factors in the Wildland Fire Service (NWCG L-180), Firefighter Training (NWCG S-130), Firefighter Type 1 (NWCG S-131), Introduction to Wildland Fire Behavior (NWCG S-190), Portable Pumps and Water Use (NWCG S-211), Firing Operations (NWCG S-219), Basic Air Operations (NWCG S-270), American Heart Association (AHA) First Aid/CPR/AED Certification, California Specialized Training Institute (CSTI) Hazardous Materials First Responder Awareness (FRA) and Hazardous Material Operations (FRO), and California State Fire Marshal (CSFM) Low Angle Rope Rescue Operations (LARRO). Students learn about wildland fire crews (engine crews, hand crews, hotshot crews, helitak crews, and smokejumpers), wildland fire behavior, wildland firefighter personal protective equipment, wildland firefighter safety, helicopter safety, dozer safety, wildland fire pumps, and wildland fire tools and firing devices. This course includes arduous physical conditioning including hiking with up to 45 pounds of weight and other strenuous outdoor activities. The academy exceeds the United States Forest Service (USFS) minimum training requirements for an entry-level wildland firefighter for certification purposes.
Course Schedule

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